Pest Control: Deer
Deer control services
Deer are very destructive. Their eating and destructive habits can cause significant financial loss to forestry enterprises, market gardens, smallholders, farmers and gardeners. Deer may also need controlling where their numbers are high and disease may become a problem if numbers are not reduced. Deer in the garden frequently select the most expensive plants and shrubs to eat!
There are three species of deer likely to cause problems in Surrey, West Sussex and East Hampshire, Fallow Deer, Roe deer and Muntjac.
How are Deer controlled?
Professional deer management methods are selected according to each situation. Culling is an option, but only in the larger gardens or fields. Fencing in gardens is by far the most favourable option. We can recommend a good fencing contractor if this is the best method.
Species of Deer in Surrey, West Sussex, Hants and Berkshire
Fallow Deer are grazers and generally only cause damage to crops or nurseries. Often in large herds, they are locally common in North Hampshire, West Sussex and Berkshire preferring open arable areas with woodland for shelter. These deer are commonly kept in deer parks.
Roe Deer will visit gardens and browse on many garden plants, especially roses. They will visit all year round providing there is something for them to eat. Roe deer stand 65-70cm tall at the shoulder and in summer are rich chestnut brown. In winter, their coat is greyer. They mate in the summer but will not give birth until May or June the following year. They have evolved a delayed implantation of the fertilized egg so the fawns are born as spring arrives. The true gestation period is 5 months.
Muntjac deer also visit gardens, but are much less likely to be seen due to their size and secretive nature, preferring to be hidden. They are about 50cm tall at the shoulder. The males have single pointed antlers and prominent tusks. The summer coat is chestnut above and buff on the underside, the winter coat is greyer on top and whiter underneath. Muntjac breed all year round and have spread over a lot of the UK since their introduction from collections at Woburn in the 1890’s. They originated in the Far East. Like Roe deer, Muntjac will eat a variety of garden plants, but are also prone to uproot and eat bulbs.
Our deer management now covers Berkshire, South Oxford, North and South Hampshire and Sussex.
The deer management team are all fully insured and professional.