Pest Control: Squirrels
Getting rid of squirrels
What damage do squirrels do and why should they be removed?
Squirrels can get into loft spaces, eaves and voids in buildings through damaged or rotten soffits, lifted or dropped tiles or through open eaves. These rodents will even chew lead flashing to get into a favourite place or to exercise their teeth.
Once they are in the loft they cause damage by chewing electrical cables and plastic water pipes. They are also likely to make a nest in the insulation.
If squirrels are nesting in the loft or roof space then they are settled, removal should not be delayed long enough for them to breed.
In the garden, they will raid bird feeders, steal fruit and dig up bulbs.
They take bird’s eggs and chicks from nests during the breeding season, the adult birds not capable of fending off such a powerful alien species. They strip bark from trees, sometimes killing them but more often distorting their growth.
Competition for food and their larger size has allowed them to almost wipe out our native Red squirrel. They also carry squirrel pox, which is deadly to the Red squirrel.
Typically these invasive animals make noises from the loft or soffit at dawn or dusk whilst mice and rats typically make noises during the night. Often you will see them coming and going from your property.
Squirrel removal and preventing squirrels getting in.
It is always best to seek a professional squirrel clearance service both for the complete and successful removal of the squirrels, but also to avoid breaking the law.
To help prevent squirrels getting into the loft or roof space, you need to make sure your roof, fascia and soffit boards are in good condition. Even with this proactive pest control approach, squirrels will still try and force or chew their way into the roof or void.
How are squirrels controlled?
In the home or garden environment, trapping is the best option for squirrel control. Above all else, it must be carried out humanely and within the law. Anyone trapping squirrels must have the ability to dispatch the animal properly with no suffering. It is against the law and cruel to deliberately release a trapped squirrel.
Why choose us to get rid of squirrels?
Squirrel control will be carried out for you with complete safety and professionalism. We are trained, qualified and fully equipped to get rid of squirrels from your property, and once cleared, we can advise on proofing, or carry out squirrel proofing against further infestation.
Why can’t a trapped squirrel be released?
The law is in place to protect the squirrel and native wildlife. Releasing the squirrel away from it’s territory will cause extreme stress because it will come into conflict with resident squirrels. It will also have no idea where to obtain food because it has not stored any locally. All this causes unnecessary suffering to the squirrel.
Squirrel control for protecting wildlife
It is a fact that squirrels will seek out and eat bird’s eggs and chicks during the breeding season. This can have a disastrous effect on bird populations. A properly organised squirrel control project will help wildlife regain a balance, please contact us for more information.
Squirrel biology
Grey squirrels are non-native, originating from North America. It is believed that they were deliberately released, possibly as an exotic curio, in Henbury Park, Cheshire in the late 1870’s.
Grey squirrels live in “drays” usually in trees. They raise their young here and have two litters a year, the first in February and March, the second in June and July. Gestation is 45 days, and the 3-4 young are independent at 10 weeks.
Squirrels eat a whole variety of foods, including eggs and young birds, but nuts and seeds are the main diet.