Pest Control: Foxes
Why do foxes need controlling?
Foxes come into contact with man for a variety of reasons, usually related to scavenging for food. In the garden, play area or amenity environment, it will be their droppings that will be the main cause for concern. Fox droppings, poo or “scats” carry a number of diseases and parasites transmissible to humans and domestic dogs. This makes them a particular problem where children play and will come into direct contact with fox faeces. For this reason, foxes that frequent these areas may need to be removed or excluded.
Another source of conflict is the destruction of domestic animals, especially poultry. Fencing or proofing against the cunning fox is usually a better option than the removal of the fox.
Urban foxes are not usually a problem in our area, but wild foxes are often quick to make a meal out of discarded food. If the supply of discarded food is regular, or worse, the foxes are being regularly fed, they will take advantage and will become a problem fox.
Fox damage to lawns can occur when they start digging for grubs and worms.
How are foxes controlled?
Occasionally, if proofing is not possible, they need to be trapped. Trapping is the most humane and reliable method of fox control and can be carried out safely and unobtrusively but is absolutely the last resort in controlling foxes.
Fox Biology
Foxes begin mating around early February, when their calls can be heard at night.
The cubs are born in March and April and, although weaned, will stay with the vixen for 3-4 months. The dog fox will bring food for the nursing vixen in the early part of the cubs’ lives.
Foxes will eat a variety of foods in the wild. In the urban environment they will eat food scraps and will raid dustbins in search of such items.